Folder Structure
Once you download the application from Codecanyon, unzip the package and you will find the below folder structure in
- Console/ (Background Task Files)
- Commands
- Kernel.php
- Events
- Exceptions
- Helpers
- Http
- Controllers
- Admin
- Auth
- Customer
- User
- Middleware
- Requests
- Kernel.php
- Controllers
- Jobs
- Library
- Models
- Notifications
- Policies
- Repositories/ (All Logical Files)
- Contracts
- Eloquent
- Rules
- Scopes
- Utils
- Console/ (Background Task Files)
- bootstrap
- Config
- custom.php (App Configuration File)
- database
- factories
- migrations
- seeders
- hooks
- packages
- public/ (public content generated after compilation done.)
- css
- css-rtl
- data
- fonts
- images
- installer
- js
- vendors
- mix-manifest.json
- resources
- assets
- data
- fonts
- images
- js/ (Include JS File)
- lang/ (Include Language File)
- scss/ (Include SCSS File)
- vendors/ (Include all vendor css and js files)
- views
- admin/ (Admin portal files)
- auth
- customer/ (Customer portal files)
- errors
- installer/ (Installer files)
- layouts
- panels
- plugins
- routes
- admin.php (For Admin Portal)
- api.php (For API)
- customer.php (For Customer Portal)
- public.php (No middleware will not affect these routes )
- storage
- tests/ (For testing)
- vendors
- .env (Include Full App Configuration, ex. database, settings, etc)
- .env.example (Include Database credentials, it will be .env after update it.)
- artisan (Include artisans commands)
- composer.json (Dependencies used by composer)
- package.json (Dependencies used by node)
- phpunit.xml (Related With testing)
- server.php (For php's internal web server)
- webpack.mix.js (Laravel's webpack file)
Tip: We only label important folders and files for customization needs.
Following is the details for laravel folder structure.
Folder/Files | Details |
app/ | This folder contains all the controller inside controllers folder and model files. |
app/Repositories | This folder contains all the logical files. All controllers files called these files to perform actions. |
app/Helper/Helpers.php | This file contains Menu or Sidebar information and many more. |
bootstrap/ | This folder contains cache and app.php. |
config/ | This folder contains the config files. You can find custom.php file for application customization. |
database/ | This folder contains database Migrations, model factories, & seeds. |
public/ | This folder contains index.php, main.php ,static folder & Build of the application. |
resources/ | This folder contains views, layouts, store and js, sass, json files. |
resources/lang | This folder contains language files. You can translate ultimate sms to any language using these files. |
routes/ | It contains the web.php, admin.php, api.php, etc file where pages can be served on the browser. |
storage/ | This folder contains compile blade templates. |
views/layouts | It contains the all master layout files. |
views/panels | It contains all panel files like header / footer / sidebar / navbar etc. |
views/content | It contains the content page files. To create new page |